Terms of Use for the EUDAT B2ACCESS service

Version: 1.0

Date: 2 Nov 2015

References: https://b2access.eudat.eu/files/terms-of-use.html
This Terms of Use is derived from the generic EUDAT Services Terms of Use and it relates to the Data Privacy Statement.


The purpose of the B2ACCESS service https://b2access.eudat.eu is to arbitrate authenticated access of users, based on their primary identity, to services in the context of the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure. Multiple security protocols are supported by the B2ACCESS service to allow users, on the one hand side, to choose their preferred primary identity provider and to allow, on the other hand side, service providers to integrate their services by using their preferred security protocols to obtain the information about the user identity and attributes when they are necessary to make user and role-based access decisions.

The purpose of the EUDAT suite of services, including B2ACCESS, is to facilitate science and research in the public interest. This service is for researchers, science and research communities and the interested public.

2. Use

B2ACCESS should be used in good faith. The service must not be used for any personal, recreational, political or commercial purposes. The B2ACCESS service must not be used for any unlawful purpose and no attempt to breach or circumvent any administrative or security controls must be executed.

Every user is accountable for the usage of resources and services made under his/her identity and therefore is obliged to protect his/her passwords.

Every user must provide personal information truthfully.

Logged information, including information provided during the registration purposes, is used for administrative, operational, accounting, monitoring and security purposes only. This also includes the use of cookies which are used to bind sessions temporarily to identities. This information may be disclosed, via secured mechanisms, only for the same purposes and only as far as necessary to provide the B2ACCESS service to other organizations cooperating with EUDAT. Although efforts are made and security measures are taken to maintain confidentiality, no guarantees are given.

3. Sanctions

EUDAT is entitled to regulate, suspend or terminate access to the service. The user is liable for the consequences of violation of any of the conditions of use. Any violation being identified will be subject to corrective action, including possible termination of access, legal action, and criminal liability.

4. General

Users must adhere to the general EUDAT Services Terms of Use on proper use of information services, information security, privacy and computing, storage and networking facilities, and legal terms.

In case of problems, users can request assistance from the EUDAT Help Desk via https://eudat.eu/support-request to ensure the protection of their rights.

Users should report any issues caused by themselves or other users or issues with a service or resource used and which are related to the violation of this Terms of Use or the Data Privacy Statement in a reasonable timeframe. Reports about violations should be directed to the EUDAT Help Desk which will document and redirect the issue report to the appropriate person(s) who take actions, depending on the level of severity and where the violation has occurred.